
Backup is a single user process. If any other users are logged in, an error will appear if a backup is attempted. Other users must be logged out of the system before proceeding. For more information see Who's On.
Important: The time taken to complete a backup can vary. Forcibly closing payroll before the backup has successfully completed can cause database corruption. Wait until the verbose section displays "starting database" before proceeding.

This step applies only to users of Firebird or Interbase, as these database types require the user to manually perform a backup. SQL database backups are performed automatically on the SQL server.

It is important to regularly backup your payroll system, and to store those backups securely. Backups are the best protection against data loss and corruption, and enable you to roll-back to an earlier version of the database in case of an emergency.

Creating a backup:

  1. Once you have made the required changes to the employee's standard pay, click on the Close icon at the top right of the screen.
  2. If there are errors for the employee, Payrun 'Stop' Messages will open. If not, the backup screen will open showing the following information:
Field Explanation
Alias This is the name of your currently open database as it appears on the login screen, with the database path enclosed in [ ]. This value cannot be edited.
Backup file This shows the path and filename of the backup that will be created. This value can only be edited in system preferences
Browse This button cannot be used at this point.
Execute Click execute to begin the backup

This section shows the backup process occurring. A typical backup will display the following:

  • Performed last copy: Prior to taking a backup, the system makes a copy of the database. This is an extra backup in case of problems, and is an optional step. If you receive an error at this point, it is likely that the UNC path has been set incorrectly
  • Stopping database: The backup process must stop the database to perform the backup.
  • Backup of database: The backup process has begun on the server.
  • *** BACKUP COMPLETE ***: The backup has been completed successfully.
  • Starting database: The database has been successfully restarted. It is now safe to proceed with the update.
  1. Click Execute - the backup will be completed.

The time taken to complete a backup can vary. Forcibly closing before the backup has successfully completed can cause database corruption. Wait until the screen displays "starting database" before proceeding.